It has been revealed that the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) may have collaborated with Russian scientists with links to asbestos industry. This arose from a study of a cohort of exposed people at the Uralasbest plant in Asbest, Russian Federation. For example, Dr Valerie McCormack attended the recent Kiev conference. In December 2012 many proponents of asbestos health pleaded with IARC to discontinue this conduct. The February 1, 2013 Lancet issue explored IARC’s ties. Apparently the Russian Federation agreed to resume financial contributions to IARC and then floated the proposal to study the risks of chrysotile in Russia. A very recent article, “Health Risks of Chrysotile Revisited”, included as an author David Bernstein, who is a defense expert witness. Also, the article was funded by the International Chrysotile Association and bytheCanadian Chrysotile Association. The push by industry (and by governments?) to write literature and slant the conversation about asbestos cancer risks continues at an alarming rate.