Last week a state court jury ruled on the first trial of a shoulder pain pump case anywhere in the country. The jury found in favor of the injured victim, a 38 year old man, in the amount of $5.5 million. The case was Beale v. I-Flow. Mr. Beale suffered from a condition called chondrolysis (loss of cartilage) in his shoulder following the use of a pain pump after routine shoulder surgery. Marc P. Weingarten, a partner in the Philadelphia office of the Locks Law Firm is investigating a large number of these cases and has already filed suit for one client in Massachusetts. If you have had shoulder surgery, and then used a pain pump, and now experience shoulder pain, clicking in the shoulder joint, limited range of motion, or have been diagnosed with chondrolysis, please call Marc at 215.893.3404 or email him at [email protected], to discuss your legal rights.